Does life feel hard?

That’s because life IS hard. Let me validate you. <3

If you’re a human on this planet, which, if you’re reading this, I sincerely hope you are, I have a message for you.

I know, your life is hard. Mine is, too.

I’m not going to talk to you about privilege, or how you have it easier than other people and for that, dammit, you should be GRATEFUL.


I’m here to remind you of the truth.

You, human, you live on the densest plane in the universe. There are 144,000 planes of progressing density in the universe, and you live on the 144,000th.

Do you ever feel like your spirit doesn’t match your body, your life or your reality? That’s ‘cause your spirit came from the 0th densest plane.

So you’re a light, bright, beautiful spirit living in a dense, heavy, slog-through-the-mud kind of neighbourhood (Earth).

You think a thought, or get an idea, and it has to move from the 0th layer, the place your Spirit came from, alllllllll the way down to Earth. All the way down, past layers and layers and layers of the universe, getting heavier and heavier, getting harder and harder to move, to create, to manifest, as you descend.

Human, you can manifest! You *are* the source, you *are* the God/Goddess. And it requires way, way more effort here on Earth than it did where you came from.

So yeah, your life is hard. It’s okay, and you can do it. You chose this.

For now, your life is supposed to be hard. Because you signed up for Advanced Placement Soul Growth School (TM). You chose to be birthed on the most difficult training ground in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE.

If that doesn’t sound like a warrior to me, I don’t know what is.

Speaking of this, have you seen the movie, “The Platform”? It’s reminding me of this discussion. I think it’s a Spanish movie, but it’s well worth a watch to illustrate this concept. In the movie, prisoners live on different floors of a prison, from Level 1 all the way down a couple of hundred floors.

The food for everyone in the prison descends beginning from Level 1. That means if you are in the higher, less dense realms, you get more delicious, fresher food, like escargot, your favorite green curry, micro greens, and those juicy plump grapes that Ofelia accidentally eats in Pan’s Labyrinth. But if you’re at layer 144 (thousand), you get the morsels if anything at all. You have to *pull*, with your mind, with your will, the nourishment, the light, down into your density.

That’s you. You’re pulling light all the way down from Source, and on the way it gets a little dusty. By the time it arrives at you, it might feel like the morsels.

And that’s life on Earth, and it ain’t easy! But you’re doing *so* well. You’re spreading the light! Remember the non-denominational Christmas tree? Light up those bulbs, baby, ‘cause we have a density to un-densify.

I want you to think of the difficulties that you’ve been through in your life— the ones that seemed unfair, the times all the odds were stacked against you, the time you got totally f’d by the ‘way things are’. There are two super important semi-dichotomous truths about this.

  1. You aren’t a victim of those circumstances, because you chose to be here. You signed up for the smart kids math class.

  2. That doesn’t make it easy.

The thing about this is that you can never be perfect. Not even imperfectly perfect. You can’t be perfect living in this density! There’s always going to be something you can do better. But that’s the *best part of being a human*!

I want you, this week, when you are down on yourself, or you’re judging other people to think about life on the densest plane in the universe. You don’t have it easy, and neither do they. So, God/Goddess, please: cut yourself a break, and keep striving for excellence as you pull light into this density, because we all need it from you.

So much love.


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It’s not a hell yes is a cop-out.