The Holy Trinity- No, Not That One.

Symbols of three are everywhere- they are an expression of the divine, manifest and present in every culture across history. 

But have you heard of this trinity? 

The true ‘first step’ in the ancient mystery schools is the Initiation that you receive at the end of the Empower Thyself class. Initiation gives us the power and authority to begin to connect with an expansive and unimaginably huge team of guardians and supporters called the Hierarchy of Light.  

Initiation opens the doors to be led by something greater than ourselves, and to focus on something more important than our physical body and our physical life. You were never alone, but after Initiation, you really can’t be alone. You’re surrounded by a support team at every moment, whether you’re aware of it or not. That team supports you in fulfilling your mission. 

“My mission?”, you may ask. 

Yes, your mission. All of us came to earth with a mission. If you don’t yet know your mission, it isn’t because you don’t have one. It’s simply because you aren’t quite sure what it is yet. You don’t yet see the vision. But every single human on this planet has contracts with themselves (and God, so…themselves) which is greater than their “job”. Greater than just themselves. 

Our innate nature as humans is to strive for greatness, and the desire to fulfill that mission, whatever it may be. The mission is unique for every individual. 

Without Initiation, how could you truly and deeply know your mission? Before Initiation, the doors that reveal who you really are aren’t yet open…

Once you are initiated you may understand, as many people who take this step do, ”I am important. I must do something to create while on this planet.”

But then you may be left with this question…


Here you may have full clarity or you may have an inkling of what your contracts are, but not yet know how to fulfill them. 

Enter Healers Academy. Five days of training in a temple. The Healers Academy temple, the training in it, and above all, the deep healing of the fracturing of your Mind with the Light that comes in, gives you a gift. The personal healing you experience reminds you of your nature, divinity. And what divinity does is serve. 

Healers Academy gives you the TOOL. The one tool, above all, for service. 

It gives you the Life Activation. 

So now you have the vision of your mission from Empower Thyself, and the tool, which is the foundation to create beauty and joy and goodness in your life, from Healers Academy.

With Initiation and the ability to give Life Activations, you can build a solid foundation to create your vision as you open little doors and keys about who you are. Activation by activation, you connect more and more deeply to yourself and your purpose. 

And eventually you realize that no house was ever built just from the foundation.

No four walls around you with a ceiling and a floor, and a happy heart and home at the center was ever created just from a vision and a foundation. 

No. And this is why the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah is absolutely crucial to the path of progression. 

Without undergoing the path of ascension, which is commonly called Kabbalah, you do not truly have the 10 steps required to manifest your vision. To build your home, with your heart shining at the center. 

The ascension process in Kabbalah shows you where your vision and your service aren’t enough to build your home. It is the understanding and wisdom of your own divinity that fills in the cracks. Kabbalah teaches you to shine, so that your home has a warm glow of light from the hearth (you). It brings everything together, and makes the difference between a house and a home. 

So this is the trinity that I propose to you today, because:

  1. Initiation gives you the vision. 

  2. Healers Academy gives you the tool, and 

  3. Kabbalah gives you the framework to make it all happen. 

To truly build and create as a God.

What are you waiting for?


Psychology and Alchemy on the path to ‘know thyself’